Markets are People. People are Predictable.
Our founding team has unique expertise in building advanced models to quantify qualitative data. That’s exactly what we’ve done with OVTLYR, the most comprehensive data collection engine on the market for deciphering aggregate behavioral metrics from diverse datasets.
Data tells a story, but stories also generate data. We live in the information age with breaking news at our fingertips and a diverse forum of engagement & reciprocity across platforms and geographies. Each story that crosses our path exists on the axis of interest & proliferation, along the spectrum of forgettable to captivating. How we react is often more telling than the content itself.
With contextual historical market data baselines to judge against, OVTLYR discerns instances of highly efficient markets and those far more susceptible to irrationality and forward-looking volatility. The result: a bridge between what you think about an asset and the thoughts of others, and an undeniable market edge.