Affiliate Program Rules & Regulations

Affiliates must operate a business, website or service in or related to the trading or investing verticals, be an established influencer with an established social media profile, a customer of OVTLYR, or must be otherwise accepted or approved by the OVTLYR team.

Affiliates may be anonymous or use a pseudonym in public, however, all affiliates are required to provide (and update) their correct and accurate contact information to OVTLYR. OVTLYR will keep all affiliate contact information strictly confidential. All affiliates located in the US will be asked to provide a W-9 form for tax reporting before payments can be issued.

Affiliates must agree to never engage in unsolicited marketing activities such as spamming, unsolicited posting in private channels, mass direct messaging, or any other kind of activity which may be considered spam or unsolicited commercial messaging on any platform in any form.

Affiliates must agree to never misrepresent the risks, rewards, income or performance of trading in general. Affiliates must agree to always include a risk disclaimer to remind end users to invest wisely and to do their own due diligence before making any investing decisions. It is important to remind users that trading is a high risk activity no matter what tools you use. We do not want anyone to believe through insinuation or statement that OVTLYR is a shortcut in trading. There are no shortcuts.

Affiliates must agree to never use misleading or inaccurate trading performance information for the purpose of marketing the OVTLYR platform. No affiliates may market the OVTLYR product using income promises, performance guarantees, or other language that may minimize the inherent and real risks of trading. Affiliates must agree to never misrepresent the capabilities or features of the OVTLYR system or in any way imply or state anything untrue about the benefits of using OVTLYR products and services.

Affiliates who post trade ideas or claim to trade openly in public must be honest and transparent in their messaging at all times. This means acknowledging the real performance of each trade that they claim to have made - regardless if it was a hypothetical, a paper trade, a real cash or margin trade, a gentleman's bet, a public prediction, or any other form.

Affiliates must read, understand and agree to these Program Rules, as well as the OVTLYR Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions, and other legal documents, including our Terms of Service and Disclaimers that are posted on this website.

OVTLYR reserves the right to request verification of claims that seem unreasonable or impossible if such claims are made in public while promoting the OVTLYR platform. Verification must be provided in the form of official brokerage statements, some other third-party method, or via other means, as requested by OVTLYR. Affiliates must agree to provide such verification information on request and cooperate with OVTLYR’s reviews in order to maintain good standing in this program. Should a review take place, all information gathered by OVTLYR will be kept confidential.

OVTLYR reserves the right to suspend payments to any affiliates who violate these policies. OVTLYR reserves the right to suspend payments upon receipt of an end-user complaint to provide time for investigating claims made by a partner. Repeated violators may be terminated and payments may be terminated and forfeited in the event of termination for cause under these affiliate program rules.