Joining The OVTLYR Discord Server

  • 1. Click the Invite Link: Open your web browser and click on the link provided:

  • 2. Discord Account: If you don't have a Discord account, you'll be prompted to sign up. Fill in the required information to create your account. Be sure to verify your account. If you already have an account, proceed to step 3.

  • 3. Join the Server: After signing in or if you were already logged in, the link will redirect you to the Discord app. You'll see a window showing the server name, Ovtlyr, and a prompt to join the server. Click Join Ovtlyr.

    • - Another way of joining the server is by clicking the “+” sign at the left side bar of your discord app which says, “Add A Server”, then a window will open prompting you to Create a server or Join a server. Click Join a Server then paste the discord invite link provided: .

  • 4. Onboarding: Once you’re in, you will now be redirected to the Discord Server’s onboarding process where you will find a welcome message and things to do on the server.

  • 5. Getting Started: Start by clicking on “Discover OVTLYR” directly below the “Get Started” text, which will redirect you to the welcome channel of OVTLYR. You will notice at the bottom of the channel is a prompt to complete a few more steps before you can talk. Click “Complete” and a window will open prompting you to read and agree to the rules of the server.

  • 6. Read and Accept Rules: Take a moment to read and agree to them by scrolling down and clicking the appropriate button. Once you’re done, you can now freely view and message in the appropriate channels in the server.

  • 7. Verification: If your account is still not verified, there might be a verification process to prevent spam or ensure members are genuine. Follow the instructions provided by the server administrators to complete this step. It could involve solving a CAPTCHA or answering a question.

  • 8. Complete the Onboarding Process: Once done, you will be back at the Welcome Channel. You will now see another text prompt at the bottom that says “Next: Introduce yourself to the community….” Continue following the prompts at the bottom until you finish the onboarding. Congratulations! You’ve finished the onboarding process!

  • 9. Explore Channels: Once done, take a moment to explore the various categories and channels available on the server.

    • a. OVTLYR - here you will find the welcome page, become-an-affiliate, and rules channel. These channels are for viewing and reading only.

    • b. Public Chat - this is where most of the discussion happens. Feel free to hangout, say hello to everyone at the general channel. Tell us stories of your trading success at the share-your-big-wins channel. And if you have any inquiry regarding ovtlyr, feel free to send a message at the support channel.

    • c. Trading - here you will find real-time trade alerts. Click this link for easy access to the trading room: .

      • i. Stock Trade Setup Ideas: Discover and share your latest stock trade setup ideas in this dynamic space. Whether you're analyzing charts, identifying potential breakout stocks, or fine-tuning your strategies, this channel is the ideal hub for stock traders. Connect with fellow enthusiasts, discuss market trends, and stay ahead of the curve in the world of stock trading.

      • ii. Day Trading: Dive into the fast-paced world of day trading. Discuss real-time market movements, share quick trade analyses, and exchange tips for making the most of intraday opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned day trader or just starting out, join the conversation and stay informed on potential profit-generating moves.

      • iii. Swing Trading: Unleash the power of swing trading in this collaborative space. Discuss and dissect swing trading strategies across various markets, analyze charts, and share valuable insights with a community of like-minded traders. Whether you're holding positions for a few days or several weeks, this is your go-to for refining your swing trading skills.

      • iv. 10-Minute Trading: Swing Trading Options: Get real-time trade alerts, follow open positions, and discuss the closure of trades in this dynamic space focused on 10-minute trading, swing trading options. Stay on top of the market with timely updates and engage in discussions about effective options strategies. Whether you're a seasoned options trader or just getting started, this provides valuable insights for navigating the fast-paced world of short-term options trading.

  • 10. Engage and Participate: Feel free to start conversations, ask questions, or join ongoing discussions in the channels that interest you. Remember to respect the server's rules and other members.